Culture Club Summer Adventures - Renwick Gallery
Friday, July 12, 2024 • 6 Tammuz 5784
10:00 AM - 12:00 PMRenwick GalleryIt may be hot outside, but it will be nice and cool as we visit two very special museums not always on everyone’s list: the Renwick Gallery and the National Building Museum on August 8. Adult Beth El members and their guests are welcome. Meryl Goldhammer
Renwick Gallery
Friday, July 12 - 10 A.M.
Free admission/Lunch is pay-as-you- go
Located right near the White House, the Renwick is the first building in the United States built as an art museum. As the branch of the Smithsonian dedicated to contemporary crafts and decorative art, there are always interesting exhibits. One exhibit we will focus on is “Subversive, Skilled, Sublime: Fiber Art by Women. This museum is small enough to easily wander through most of the other exhibits (and maybe the gift shop) before heading out to lunch nearby. Please rsvp:
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