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                           2025 Book Sale Information

The Rhoda Goldman Memorial Giant Annual Book Sale 

This year's book sale takes place Sunday February 16 and Monday February 17. 
To volunteer to help set up or clean up or staff the sale, please use this SignUpGenius link:

Beth El Hebrew Congregation: Giant Annual Book Sale President's Day Weekend 2025 


If you have books to donate (during the summer or throughout the year), and don't need help removing them from your car, and if the weather is good and the ground is dry, you can leave boxes/bags of books outside of the storage units Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.  This space is monitored and one of our maintenance staff will move them inside the storage units as their schedule allows.

If you need help with books, please stop by during Wednesday night and Sunday morning Religious School.  You can check the calendar here.  

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785