Meet Synagogue President, Dorrit Lowsen
Dorrit Lowsen is Jewish by birth, but more importantly, she's Jewish by choice. She was raised in a secular, non-practicing household, but found her belonging first at Kehillat Beijing and then here at Beth El Hebrew Congregation. Currently, Dorrit's day job is Co-CEO of Change Finance, an investment company she helped found in 2016, with the goal of creating ethical investment products intended to help shift the world's largest corporations toward practices that are better for people and planet. Dorrit first joined Beth El in 2012 and returned at the beginning of 2016 after a brief stint overseas where she served at the US Embassy in Beijing, China. At Beth El, she is a Religious School parent, served on both the recent Education Director and Executive Director Search Committees as well as the Mission, Vision, Values Task Force, and has served on the Board of the WRJ, as a Trustee of the Permanent Endowment Fund, and as both Secretary and Executive Vice President of the Congregation. Dorrit lives with her husband, Ben (5th Grade Judaics teacher), and son, in the Beverley Hills neighborhood of Alexandria.
2023-2024 Officers
e-mail Dorrit
Adam Zissman, Vice President
Jesse Reisman, Vice Presidents
2023-2024 Board of Directors
Officers and Staff
Jason Kaufman, Cantor
Brett Isserow, Rabbi Emeritus
Elizabeth Bayer, Executive Director
Dorrit Lowsen, President
Naomi Mercer, Executive Vice President
Adam Zissman, VP
Jill Levin-Spivey, Secretary
Carly Rubenstein, Treasurer
Board Members
Todd Bolick, 2nd Term
Alan Cohn, Immediate Past President
Judy Jankowski, 2nd Term
Ellen Kovar, 2nd Term
Clair Sassin, 2nd Term
Living Past Presidents*
Gary Avakian
Julienne Bramesco
Alan Cohn, Immediate Past President
Joyce Gordon
Marsha Hertzberg
John Jankowski
Jay Lucas
Linda Waller
We encourage anyone with any suggestion or concern to contact any member of the Board to have it raised at a Board meeting. In addition, the first fifteen minutes of every Board meeting are open time for any member to speak to the Board.