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Why Give?

In Judaism, charity is not merely an act of giving; it is a moral commitment of faith. Although many people believe that the Hebrew word tzedakah means charity, the word's roots convey much more—a combination of righteousness, fairness and justice. The Rabbis of old taught that the construction of the Temple was not completed until everyone had contributed to the effort. As a result, the synagogue, the place where our people and God meet, is dependent upon the good will and donations of each and every one of us.

Today, each gift to Beth El Hebrew Congregation reflects that tradition. Your support makes possible inspiring worship services led by outstanding clergy; stimulating educational opportunities for tots, children, teens and adults; Jewish cultural programming; connection and caring for our congregational community; fulfillment of our commitment to tikkun olam (repairing the world and the Jewish community worldwide); and maintenance and preservation of our sanctuary building.

In addition to giving financially to Beth El, we welcome you to give as a volunteer. Click here for more information on volunteer opportunities in our community.

Giving opportunities

Contributions in all amounts help support a wide variety of projects and programs at Beth El Hebrew Congregation. Gifts are a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, the arrival of a child—or to honor the life of someone who has passed away.

    Non-members may make a donation here.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785