Wishlist - Religious School Prayer Mastery Bracelets
Beginning in the 2024-2025 Religious School year, students will have the opportunity to earn Prayer Mastery Bracelets. For each of the prayers below, students will earn a bracelet as a symbol of their dedication both in and out of the classroom.
Be on the lookout throughout the 24-25 school year for special bracelet spirit days to celebrate our hard work!
You can support this initiative through a generous wishlist donation. There are two ways to participate:
1. Sponsor a full bracelet: For $150 you can sponsor one set of prayer bracelets. Your donation will be recognized on the storage container for that bracelet.
2. Donation to our general bracelet fund: A donation of any amount will help support this program by purchasing parts of prayers bracelets.
We appreciate your support in any way you are able. If you have questions, please contact Dan Swartz, Education Director, at dswartz@bethelhebrew.org.
Wishlist - Archival Supplies