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Beth El Religious School
Religious School registration for the 2022-2023 school year is open!
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A Place for Jewish Learning
We strive to create an enjoyable and meaningful Jewish learning experience at Beth El. From nursery workshop through post-confirmation, Beth El's children are provided with the tools of Jewish living. Through the study of Torah, Hebrew, history, ethics, prayer, social action, and tzedakah, we teach our youth the Jewish faith and tradition and work to forge a long-term bond and commitment to Jewish culture.
Our teachers provide a warm, positive and fun environment that fosters enthusiasm for Jewish learning through an interactive classroom setting, art, music, family programs, and field trips. For more information contact Religious School Office Manager, Ronit Goldstein via email or call 703-370-6644.
Our Vision and Mission
Beth El Hebrew's Religious School's goals are to open the windows of Judaism and install in our children that Reform Judaism is exciting, relevant, and important to the world.
The Religious School's mission focuses on teaching:
- Torah to focus on the moral behaviors, values, history and wisdom which are the foundation of Judaism
- Hebrew Literacy as the language of the Jewish people to be able to participate in services, while gaining an understanding of the prayers and developing a connection to Hebrew.
- History and Israel to develop a sense of belonging to the Jewish community, past, present and future; develop an identity as part of a local and international Jewish community whose center is the State of Israel.
- Traditions, Customs, Holidays to learn and participate in traditions, customs and holiday observances that have cultural and historical meaning, and to find personal meaning within their own families' lives.
- Mitzvot and Tikkun Olam to teach the importance of living a moral life by doing acts of loving kindness and repairing the world through social action.
- Reform Judaism to provide an enduring understanding of the tenets of Reform Judaism.
- God to help students begin to develop their personal theology and relationship with God through prayer, study and acts of loving kindness.
How do we do all that?
- Experienced and loving Jewish educators
- Dedicated and involved Rabbi, Cantor, and lay leadership
- Extensive resource support from the congregation through volunteers, guidance, and financial support
- Small Hebrew classes
- An innovative B'nei Mitzvah program
- Family and intergenerational educational programs
- Effective use of educational technology in the classroom
- Programming and community bonding activities that result in high student retention rate post-B'nei Mitzvah
- Integration of formal and informal Jewish education
- Teaching opportunities for young adults (Madrichim Program)
- An active youth program (BEFTY and NFTY)
- Social action/social justice projects
- Field trips and retreats (e.g., Ellis Island, Holocaust Museum)