Children's and Family Services
Family Services
The Religious School sponsors a monthly Family Service led by our clergy for students in Kindergarten through third grade. The service is usually followed by a Shabbat Family Dinner.
Student-Led Services
The Religious School sponsors a monthly Erev Shabbat Service led by our clergy and students in one of the grades from 4 through 7. Our students get many opportunities to speak from the bimah before B'nei Mitzvah time! There is usually also a Shabbat Family Dinner before one of these services.
Tot Shabbat
We also have Tot Shabbat services. They're held from 11 to 11:45 a.m. two Saturdays a month, and they're followed by a light lunch. Tot Shabbat is a musical, joyous, and interactive service for parents and small children to share. Songs and prayers, puppets and stories, and occasional guest musicians and holiday celebrations are part of the fun led by Carol Boyd Leon, our early childhood music specialist.
Check the calendar for the next occasion to share worship with your children!
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Sh'vat 5785
Beth El Hebrew Congregation

Office staff availability varies, please call ahead.
Beth El Hebrew Congregation is a not for profit that is exempt from income taxation under IRS Code Section 501(c)
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